Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Poker and such...

Well, we had our first poker league action of our 5th season.  This season we have the same 10 guys that played last season.  I am the 4-time defending champion....I had the worst month I have ever had in the history of the league...I finished 9th and 10th in the 2 NL Hold'em tournaments.  I don't think I played horrible, well, one horrible hand to go out 9th in the first tournament, but other than that hand, I thought I played relatively well.  First tournament, as Dealer, everyone folds around to me, I have A7, I raise from 100 to 350 I think.  Seems pretty standard, I might steal the blinds or the blinds might think I'm stealing with a worse hand than what I have.  Either way, I have position.  Small Blind calls, BB folds.  Flop: 10, 9, 8 (two clubs); eh, straight draw, he checks, I bet 600, he raises to 1200...pot now has 2600 and I have to call 600.  I worry about JQ a little but as quickly as he called pre-flop I'm thinking more like JJ or QQ or heaven forbid a set...I call.  Turn = 6 (non-club); yahtzee!  I bet out 1500 an have about 2500 left.  He thinks about it, I tell him I will show him or call an all-in, either way he gets to see it!  :)  He thinks for a while (and maybe I should have just kept quiet) and calls.  River = 10 of clubs...uh...not what I wanted to see for quite a few reasons...Here's where there are so many choices: I bet 1000 to try and see what that did for him.  He called and flipped pocket 9's over for a boat...sigh...I don't think I played that badly and I stayed in the game only because he thought I might have 10's or 10,9...

Hand 2: I have AA, blinds are 100/200 (2nd tournament), my stack after running into AA twice is at about 3700 (started with 5000).  3 people limp in front of me, I am the cutoff (1 short of the dealer), I raise to 800 thinking that will shrink the field.  Dealer calls, BB looks like he is going to raise (which momentarily makes me happy on the inside...) and decides to calls, call, fold, call...so 5 to the flop with a pot of over 4000...sigh, not exactly what I wanted.  Flop= 10/7/2 (two hearts).  BB goes all in for 1850, everyone folds to me...I thought that since he about re-raised pre-flop that he probably had AK, KK, or QQ...so, I went over the top all-in.  Dealer reluctantly folds (had 99).  BB flips AJ hearts...sigh...I know I have no chance to win here...and just for entertainment purposes, both the turn and the river are hearts...again, "I don't think I could have done anything different there," it just worked out poorly for me.

In a nutshell, those two hands pretty much describe my night at the table poker-wise.  We did have fun though.   It was my birthday, which makes you think that the cards could have been nicer...there was plenty of jawing back and forth and tons of jokes flying.  A few shots of Jack Daniels Honey made it that much sweeter.  It's going to be a fun season and I think the battle for the title is going to be wild to say the least.

Other things of note: I am officiating 7 games this week.  woohoo!  I love it.  It's so much fun for me.

IU won a game...Wisconsin coming up Thursday, not a good matchup for IU.

Friday night heading to Bowman Academy to see them play Ft. Wayne Luers and James Blackmon (sophmore and future Hoosier).

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